Honoring Change and Protecting the Sacred
I love and hate Halloween. With all of it's spookiness and creative frivolity, which I ADORE, it is still such a placid, underachieving,...
From Cuba to US soil: Sub-personality management, and Re-entry issues
Woke up in Cuba at 5am in the morning on Friday. There was a bit of flight havoc, in that our flight out of Santiago was delayed 12 hours...
Is it is or is it ain't REALITY?
I did a call with my beloved dharmacampers just now on deciding to be happy, the nature of reality and the role that projection plays in...
Ode to a Home in the Offing
Finally, a tank of fish dangles, piñata-like overhead, on the crane that we call possibility. The crane of change, where each of us hangs...
La Lucha
Hay hombres que luchan un día y son buenos. Hay otros que luchan un año y son mejores. Hay quienes luchan muchos años, y son muy buenos....
The Gossamer Grace of A Blow to the head: Ode To Love and Truth
Grace: gossamer blue and unintelligible, come back again and again, please. Visit me on my darkest day. Waft in, wax poetic, hypnotize...
Not at all a sonnet, for my father
I feel the ferocity of wanting. The tanha. (it is uncomfortable, this craving: the buddha calls it tanha). I get it, how badly you want...
Ode to David Bowie
wake up you sleepyheads! there are pancakes a-plenty and worms for everyone if you haven't wheels, hitch a ride, but dammit, get...
Unconditional Self-Love instructions. Because the sky is super, super big.
THE SKY is super, super big. The universe is vast and open. But humans can sometimes get endlessly lost in this life, on terrible...
How to clear the fog, and make New Year's Resolutions with Guts and Grace.
The year 2016 has sprung into being, and it will, in a blink, cease to be. As all things, it is impermanent. We relish one moment at a...